Hearing those rumors of a Captain Britain Marvel TV series in the works are …Not true… EW editor James Hibberd posted the following tweets regarding what he has heard about the project. Update: It appears that these reports of a Captain Britain TV series may not be true after all. You can read the original report, as well as the second update, below.

Thank you so much for your interest in #CaptainBritain and expect more Chris Lark March 24, hopes of them helping us with the series. Chris Lark March 24, of development for this idea and working on things like the budget for this Reel to take to Marvel for 2017 with Chris Lark March 24, a TV series based on the Marvel Comics character #CaptainBritain for 2017. In fact, they’re hoping to bring it to Marvel’s attention in 2017, after they’ve developed it, in hopes of gaining Marvel’s Ladies & Gentlemen I'm here to confirm that I and my co-prod Eleni Larchanidou are working on a Highlight Reel for I won’t be overly critical for the rest of the cast, because nothing really jumps out at me as bad, awkward, or off, but I feel like the artist is just getting to know these characters, and we’ll see his growth as the story moves on.Update #2: It now appears as though the producers behind this project are developing it as more of a fan project/reel, rather than a project alongside Marvel Television. Not sure why they’re taking the direction they’re going with here, but I’m interested in finding out why. I also really liked his take on Britannica Rex (I could read an entire maxi series about her, and the prehistoric adventures), and the Furies. His style is reminiscent of Jocopo Camagni, which is well suited for the action scenes, just doesn’t land with the more quiet and intimate moments. Joining Howard is artist Vasco Georgiev, whose work I’m not overly familiar with. I’ll give the book the benefit of the doubt, but Tini really has to wow me here. The best thing about this book is the return of Morgan Le Fey, and her development as becoming the Big Bad of this series.

The book was also billed as Betsy adventuring through the Marvel Universe, and Multiverse, but the Crosstime Capers seem pretty light thus far. Betsy hasn’t made any headway into becoming the champion of the British people, or why she wants to keep the Captain Britain mantle, and so on. Betsy’s still at odds with Coven Akkaba, Reuben, etc. She has the chance to tell us something new with Betsy, and Rachel, but instead it’s just more of the same.

Tini’s hold on Betsy, Brian, and the rest of the Excalibur roster has become tired and stagnant. Unfortunately that’s where my enjoyment ended. Betsy and Rachel seem to be getting along well, and while still not a fan, applaud the continued development of these two very prominent female characters in the X-universe, where we’ve been subjected to queer coding for nearly 50 years (1975, and the coming of Chris Claremont), it’s nice to see them take this huge leap forward. I’ve had so many questions, like what’s going on with Otherworld? What’s the status of Mordred? Saturnyne? Betsy and Rachel? Pete Wisdom, and the resurrected mutants of STRIKE? Well, we get to see some things answered here. It’s been a long six months since the ending of Knights of X, where we saw that those mutants who would perish while in Otherworld would come back changed, and just a husk of who they were before (see: Rockslide & Gorgon, both of which died during the now classic “X of Swords” crossover), and it’s been just that. Tini Howard is back to kick off the next phase of Betsy Braddock’s life as Captain Britain, and the rest of the Braddock Clan, and she’s bringing in some familiar, and not so familiar faces. After the all out war in Otherworld from the Knights of X, where we saw Captain Britain and the rest of the Knights as they take the fight to Merlin, King Arthur, and the army of Furies, and Betsy and Rachel officially come out as Britain’s new royal power couple. The champion of the Realm is back in action.